Monday, January 26, 2009

It's All About the Money @_@

I would like to give my answer in another way.  The health care spending could be divided into 2 types: public and private.  Public health care spending includes government run programs like Medicare and Medicaid, while private spending includes doctors' services and prescription drugs.  I agree that technology, inefficiencies, inflation would contribute to the increase in public health care spending, but it seems that there’s one more factor which would act in private health care spending: our choices.

We are more and more willing to spend our money on health care (prevention rather than diagnosis) as we are coming to realize how important health care is in our life.  We go to our doctors for advices more often than before, and would like to spend money on early screening but not diagnosis.  These health services we use are also causes for increase in health care spending.

We would be glad to see this since public health workers are doing their job:)

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