Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It is all about the MONEY!

I believe that the increase in the national health spending in due to several factors. Technology does pay a role into the increases. But many would argue and agree that the development of medical technology is useful and a wise investment of our money. However the increases due to technology I believe are not as great or significant as the increases due to inefficiencies. The healthcare system in the United States is a system that seems more focused on the policy and money issue than the real issue at hand, people’s health. Healthcare insurances have become like a bidding war to see who can get the most customers and in turn get the most money. Money and status in society play a big role in the access to services.
There needs to be a healthcare reform because as it is there are many families that do not have health insurance. Healthcare has become almost like a luxury for the rich people. I think that with the economic situation that we find ourselves in, we will see less and less people with health care insurance. The idea that a healthcare reform is needed is not new, but coming up with a system that will work with the mentality of Americans will be a challenge. It will be very difficult to change the views of the Americans. I think to begin with we need to think about healthcare as helping other people and not a political battle for money.

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