Wednesday, January 28, 2009

All about the Money $$ Honey...

As a country we are spending twice as much on health care as most other developed countries. These expenses are only going to rise further with healthcare costs rising faster than income in most households. Technology has definitely paced forward taking costs with it. Though technology has made it easier and quicker to diagnose, and treat, it has also made it imperative that these lifesaving options be available to the population at large. Thus hospitals invest more and the cost rises.
The United States health care system is adept with inefficiencies. The system is complex with third parties involved besides the physician and the patient. These middlemen are a chain of individuals who dictate policies and work out brackets tailored to design healthcare expenditure based on a laborious system which is designed to provide healthcare to those who can pay the most. Its all about the money. These middlemen are insurance companies which dont necessarily fit the bill. As insurance companies get billed physicians and hospitals run batteries of lab tests not entirely based on the need since cost is not a concern. Eventually the burden is borne by all individuals.
In the current wave of economic hardships with job losses on the rise and employers not offering health insurance, it is becoming increasingly difficult for families to afford even basic health care. So where can we get rid of this extra cost? Maybe get rid of the middle men and along with it a lot of complexity. Bring in a single payer healthcare system which is state based, Universal Healthcare is definitely the way!

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