Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's all about the money

I totally agree with those who claim that a considerable amount of the spending and so the cost is because of the inefficiencies in the programs. But I believe inefficiencies have always been there, so why are we spending a lot more. Well, the advancing technology would never be put aside, or abandoned. Once one said that human beings have never stopped doing the things they were capable of doing. So, we will have the technology and we have to use it. But I don't think that is the problem either. I believe that our nation is getting sicker and sicker by generation. The amount of money americans spend on cosmetic surgery is not much if we realize that this money is mostly being spent in California, or New York. I believe the nation is becoming sick mainly because of the way we eat. America mainly eat large unhealthy portions. 40% of us are obese. I think the older generation spend a lot of money on healthcare. With the kind of a lifestyle they had, and since they have not paid attention to prevention much, they have to use a lot of medicine and care in old age. And I am afraid we will be sicker when we are that age.

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